Easy Mondays donates clothing and to organizations in need.
Every time you buy something from us, we donate.
Read more about the organizations we have donated to.

Yonge Street Mission
Since 1896, YSM has provided wraparound support and services making it possible for individuals, families and communities to move forward. As a developmental agency specializing in poverty-related challenges, they work closely with individuals, families, children, youth, and entire communities living with chronic poverty.
To learn more about YSM, click here.

Chai Lifeline
When a child is born or diagnosed with a serious illness, the entire family is affected. Families can be torn apart as one parent moves into the hospital to be with the sick child. Siblings, already worried about a brother’s or sister’s health, suffer greatly when their daily routines are disrupted. Chai Lifeline Canada steps in, offering whatever is needed. Counseling for each member of the family, volunteers who bring an extra measure of adult attention and stability to children’s lives, tutoring for children who must miss school for extended periods of time, family retreats, special sibling programs, information, peer and professional support, and two extraordinary summer camp programs for seriously ill children help families retain a sense of normalcy and hope while fighting even the most dire paediatric diseases. All programs are free of charge.
Read more about Chai Lifeline.

Humewood House
Since 1912, Humewood House has helped Toronto’s most vulnerable single parents and their children make their way in the world. In addition to helping young women give birth to healthy babies and transition into motherhood, Humewood House helps them plan and build goals for their future. They offer pre and post-natal residential services, transitional housing, life skills, childcare, a high school program and counselling all delivered by their highly qualified and dedicated staff in a safe and caring environment.
Please visit Humewood House for more information.

Margaret’s opened its doors in 1984 in honour of the well-known Toronto feminist and activist – the late Margaret Frazer. She started the agency alongside a group of other intrepid women, which included renowned journalist, author and social activist – the late June Callwood.
The organization and services honour Ms. Frazer’s legacy of a lifetime spent serving and giving to others.
Since its inception, Margaret’s has been the leading organization in Toronto providing women suffering from mental illness with safe, dignified, and affordable housing options and other support services open to all.
Read more about Margaret's.